Welcome to my Lego creator blog

My name is Nicholas and this is my Lego Blog. I really like Lego. I like to build my own creations and want to share my ideas with you. Thanks for checking out my blog, I hope you like and enjoy my ideas.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A review of the Lego Board Game Magikus

Today I got the Lego game called Magikus. I got it from my Mom. I played the game with my brother Oliver, my Mom and my Aunty Maggie. Today was the first day of summer vacation and it was raining so my mom bought it at Toys R US and thought it would be a great rainy day game to play.
When I  opened the box I had to make the game board. It was easy to build.There were not too many pieces. It only took a few minutes to build.  It is a 2-4 player game. I played the game with my mom, brother and Aunt.The point of the game is to collect all the magical ingredients  in order to cast the spell and win the game. My brother Oliver went first because the rules say that the youngest goes first.  First thing each player has to do is move the owl, then roll the dice. When you roll the dice you take the item from the game board shelf that matches the color from the dice, in the row that the owl is on.
I won the game by getting all the ingredients first.
When the game was over  I asked everyone what they liked about the game. My brother Oliver liked the owl piece best. My Aunty Maggie liked the part where if you roll on black you get to steal someones ingredients and Aunty Maggie stole my mother's game piece. My mother's favorite part of the game is that the game cost under $20 and the game took less then 20 minutes to play.  I liked building the game board best.

I am looking forward to playing the game again and changing the rules to make the game more challenging like the guide book included suggests.
~by Nicholas

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Meet Meltdown and Striggner my Lego Hero Factory Figures

Yesterday my grandparents called me over to their house to give me a present. It was the last day of school and I was given the Hero Factory Toy called MELTDOWN.
Meltdown is so cool he has only one eye and a mouth with sharp looking teeth. Meltdowns weapons are a poisoned whip  and a cannon.

To load both weapons in the movie Lego Hero Factory  he uses gastronomic pressure to power his weapons.

 This is a photo of Meltdown put together.

His arch enemy is Stringer. Stringer has a cannon that produces yellow sound waves in the movie.
What I like best about Stringer besides the fact he is my favorite colors is how cool he looks both in the movie and as a figure.  Meltdown is awesome because he is a great villain from the series.
Meltdown took me just under 5 minutes to put together and makes a great gift! Check out Lego Hero Factory toys and moives at your store or on line at Lego Hero Factory Toys from Indigo or at Toys R US
I look forward to sharing more Lego posts with you soon,
~Nicholas Owen

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New videos up for you

Hi it's me Nick again, back with a review of my Lego Hero Factory Furno 1.0 and Furno 2.0. To see my video review click here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE_jdSFY69w  or you can click on my photos to see them.
I also made a video showing how to make this out of the LEGO Hero factory  wepons, click here to watch the video I made, it was my first one so it's not perfect  but you will get the idea.

Well that's it for now check back soon for more of my Lego reviews and news.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Surprise Lego Cupcakes!

Hello, I am Nicholas the kid who created Nicholas's lego Creators Blog. Today when I got home from school my mom surprised me with a cupcake decorated with Lego Candy. The Lego candy is really cool. You can get it in the bulk section at the grocery store. The candy is actually stack-able it is also really  sweet tasting.
I will be back with more Lego posts soon! Check back soon and see what I am up to Next.